Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Seventy Four:

Day Seventy Four:

It’s been over a week since my last entry and AJ seems to be doing better. Then again, everyone probably seems to be doing better right before they blow their head off.

Speaking of blowing off heads, I haven't been able to shoot an ex-hume in quite a while. Started to hope that maybe the infection had killed them all off but then I managed to catch sight of one out of the corner of my eye. As an experiment, we threw a small amount of food into the middle of the road and waited.

It used to take about 30 seconds before an ex-hume would take the bait.

This time it took over three hours.

After shooting it, we waited for its friends to come out but no dice. The next morning it was gone. Which means not only have they learned to avoid us, but they were smart enough to drag the body off instead of just chowing down in the middle of the street.

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